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Apply to College

Applying to college is not as difficult as you may think!   Use the resources below to navigate your way through the process.

FAFSA is the FREE Application for Federal Student Aid.  Notice the first word is FREE.  Never pay anyone/web site to complete the information for you.  Use the worksheet distributed to help you gather all of the needed information and then begin the online application. 

Did you know your transcript is always available?

Log into your student portal > Reports > Custom Transcript

 Need your ACT or SAT scores?

FEATURED                                                    FEATURED                                                                                                                                            

SAT Scores                                                   ACT Scores                                                                                                                                      

Log in to your College Board                   Log in to access your ACT scores. 

account to access your SAT scores.                                                       

Log In                                                          Log In                                                                                                                                          



Access your transcript

Log in to access your transcript.

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Georgia Futures